Our Strategies

We use the best strategies in  building inspiring spaces

Our Delivery on Budget & Time Strategies are:

  • Use of pro cost management systems into company’s operations.
  • Project Managers to be equipped with accurate and timely information.
  • Systematic analyzation of Project Value, Forecasting accurate cost to Completion, and managing changes to contract.
  • Cost escalations and related issues to be dealt with promptly and appropriately.
  • Use of necessary tools and systems to plot necessary cash flow and manpower histogram.
  • Use of Management tools by project managers to plan performance on site.
  • Collection of on-site data and reviewing productivity  & performance.

Invinciblez’s Quality Assurance Strategies are:

  • Focus on simplifying the business operations to provide continuous improvement of the company’s vast array of services to our clients.
  • QA plan implementation and maintenance in conformity with quality standards and processes.
  • Understanding of the client’s needs, including their present and future project requirements.
  • Transparency – Our clients will be able to obtain information on the QA procedure undertaken for the services that we have provided.
  • Strict quality assurance procedures at all stages of the services life cycle, well-defined scope of work, and company personnel responsibility to provide improved quality assurance.

Our Workplace Health and Safety Strategies are:

  • Operate in compliance with applicable legislation, regulations, and codes of practice.
  • Implement and maintain a comprehensive risk management system that includes monitoring, audit, and review of performance.
  • Implement and maintain a safety management system in accordance with applicable standards.
  • Identify the potential safety risks and hazards of our operations and mitigate and control workplace hazards through providing safe equipment, safe work practices, and safe systems of work.
  • Set objectives and standards to mitigate potentially significant impacts, and commit to continual improvement in safety and health performance.

Invinciblez is committed to the workplace and occupational health and safety as defined by the Australian and State legislation, whether it is for any of our developmental and structural services. Our safety management system is driven by a risk approach where each member of the construction service team undertakes risk management as part of their day-to-day activities through the completion of job safety assessments and workplace method statements.

At Invinciblez, we take pride in building clean and green. We realize that all our projects have an effect on the environment, and we take responsibility for improving the environment wherever possible.We follow formalized processes so that we can offer our clients the same level of service, regardless of the type or location of your project. Our systems and procedures are focused on minimizing risk and providing the best possible project outcomes.

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